Monday, 12 September 2016

How you can Cure Ulcerative Colitis With Cabbage Juice

 cabbage juice
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory colon disease that causes sores, or ulcers, along with inflammation in the cellular lining of the colon and rectum. Cabbage contains a compound called glutamine, which protects the liner of the digestive tract, as well as promotes treatment of wounds and the healing and regeneration of the cells in the gastrointestinal tract. According to Michael T. Murray, ND, studies done at Stanford University's School of Treatments on cabbage juice and ulcerative colitis showed restorative healing of ulcerative colitis within 7 days after start cabbage juice for ulcers.
Treating Ulcerative Colitis With Cabbage Drink
Remove outer leaves of cabbage and soak weight loss plans in clean, lukewarm normal water for a couple of minutes.

Cut complete cabbage up into bits small enough to fit in the chute of your juicer.

Begin juice fasting until you have juiced the complete cabbage. Transfer the juice into a a glass container to store in the refrigerator. Cabbage drink should be used within three days.

Pour a 4-oz. glass ( 0.5 cup) of cabbage drink and drink it immediately. If you realise it too abominable, chase it down with 1/2 cup water or 1/2 cup raw apple juice. You can also add the apple juice to the cabbage juice if possible.

Beverage a 4-oz. glass of cabbage juice four times per day. Continue cabbage juice for 
stomach issues until your colitis symptoms are gone, and continue with at at a minimum two glasses per day.


  1. Cabbage Juice
    is an awesome tonic to drink on the off chance that you have stomach ulcers and Cabbage Juice. I want to bookmark your website because it is very useful post.

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